Meanwhile, on the suet feeder, scads of baby woodpeckers, chipmunks and the little red squirrel are gobbling up a dollar's worth of suet every day or two. Greedy ones.
The clematis has been spectacular. Maybe because I actually dosed everything with fertilizer this year.
Here is the sneaky squirrel. So cute.
The verbena, nasturtiums, sage, and marigolds are all doing well. Chives went rampant this spring. Garlic has long whatcha-ma-callums. Can't think of the name. Scapes! That's it. I planted nicotania instead of impatiens this year, and it looks good, but still no hummingbirds, sob!
How is your garden doing? Don't forget to put out water for the critters as well as food.
OMG! The hummingbird is back, at the nicotania (red) and also at the feeder. I went back to the clear-colored nectar.