Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mascarpone and Strawberry Tart

So, this is yummy strawberry concoction I found on the web when I googled "mascarpone and dessert."  It was really luscious and easy to make.  I cheated with a dairy case pie crust.    You can find the recipe using this link.

Spring is when the strawberries come in, and they've been good this year.  I used the rest of the berries to make a fruit compote:

early rhubarb from a friend's garden, strawberries, frozen blueberries, a handful of cranberries, some sugar, and a splash of orange liquor.  Oh yeah, half a small orange, chopped up.   The whole is vastly greater than the sum of the parts.

I'll have photos tomorrow of the shrimp scampi, the mezze platter, and the orange tart.  Yummo!  Now I'm off to devour part of the gargantuan Cuban sandwiches.  I like to eat them in Key West.

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