Friday, March 19, 2010

Has Spring Sprung?

Tomorrow is the first day of "official" spring.  Today the Spring Peepers began their shrill chorus in the slough behind the house, and some other frogs joined in.  Crocus is blooming, and I forced some forsythia.  Garlic and chives rising out of the earth.  A major cleanup lies ahead. 

The photo is across Central Park to the West from the Upper East Side (la di dah).  We witnessed the St. Patrick's Day parade and spent a day on Long Island visiting a sick friend.  Driving back into Manhattan, the view at night just couldn't be beat.  

Today, back in MA,  we grilled for the first time, a small chicken with garlic and lemon and thyme under the skin.  Very yummy with salad, boiled Yukon Gold (baby) potatoes and fresh organic carrots.  I am sorry to say we ate the whole chicken, but it was small and oh so tender and dark and yummy.  May grill again tomorrow.  

I am still doing some plotting and am rarin' to get going on my book again.  And more short stories.  And the garden.  And. . . and. . . 

The warm weather and especially the sunshine are energizing.  The cats stare out of the windows in wonderment.   Is it truly "kitty weather" again?  

So I started watching the "Breaking Bad" marathon tonight, but it is just too freaking scary.  Meth is the worst.  Jeez, how did we get from the light to the dark so quickly?  dunno. 

Reading Proust, there is never any of this angst.  



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