Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Dogfights in Hummingbird Land

This afternoon we had four humming birds in the garden at once time. Bear in mind that the flower garden part of the garden is a planter box about 6 x 6. Crazy aerial dive bombing and then everyone takes off.

I have discovered that what I called "butterfly bush" or butterfly weed" in my garden is actually something call "Joe Pye Weed." It's a perennial with purple blossoms and the little hummers can't get enough of its nectar. They were also seen today on the red geraniums, the red impatiens, the fuschia, and one of them loves to sit on a wee branch of the pole bean plant. It must fit his tiny feet.

The Joe Pye Weed also attracts butterflies and of course, bees. I have lots of flowers the bees like, esp. the oregano blossoms and the sage. Most of my bees seem to be bumblebees. As a kid I was afraid of them, but they seem mostly benign.

My garden makes me happy. We tossed a handful of our own cherry tomatoes into our salad and garnished it with cilantro, croutons and feta. Yum! The tomatoes and the herbs along with the beans are so tasty now. I planted spinach and more cilantro.

The orange yogurt bread I baked yesterday looked spectacular. Must have been the fancy Greek yogurt. I wrapped it in foil and froze, thereby forgetting to take a photo. How dumb can you be? Just imagine it perfect!!!

We're going to the Berkshires this weekend. The cats have their sitter/nurse and we'll fill all the bird feeders in the morning. Have to nuture our feathered friends.


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