Tuesday, January 02, 2007

We Hope This Does Not Inconvenience You

Today's blog title is a phrase the adminisphere of my university formerly used when they sent out announcements that were very likely to inconvenience someone.

For one who lives and mostly dies by peering into the mailbox to see if someone, finally, is going to glom onto one of my books, three days without mail is terrible. Couldn't the Day of Mourning have been tomorrow? What of all the business closed since early on the 29th? Jan. 2 and still no mail? Arrrgh! Well, there's always email and voice mail and banging your head against the desk.

In July, I sent out a bunch of World of Mirror queries which apparently went into the Great Void of Agentry. These were part of a New Query Initiative. Nary a response. I'm always meticulous about sending an SASE, and most of these agents don't have a published email address or a web site (Luddites all). So I can suck it up and waste another 74 cents, or I can call them (which they hate) or I can requery, with the new and improved Query Inititative #49. It just doesn't seem right to leave all those things hanging. Grapeshot is Not a leave things hanging kind of person. Want answers. Closure.

You know. Precise. Anal. I don't even like the press talking about Eastern Colorado like it is Outer Mongolia. Towns and counties, dammit, there are really people living out there. Ft. Morgan, Brush, Akron, Sterling, Snyder and Nick's Cafe. Places. Cows. God.

So there are agent decisions. I just hate this.


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