Thursday, January 04, 2007

2007's First Rejection

This blog isn't called "suck it up" for nothing. First rejection came in- another one for World of Mirrors. I still have a handful of old queries outstanding, but they are so old I am beginning to think that I can write them off. Amazing how often that happens. You do your best three paragraphs, put in your 39 cent SASE and nine months later, you don't have a response, even a negative. Once I graphed these, and discovered at least 10 per cent of agents send no response whatsoever. They steam off the stamps and use them to pay their bills. I am not making this up.

What next? Tweak the beginning one more time, and send off to McMillan's first novel entry thingy.
Go over Promiscuous Mode one more time, cutting words, and send to another likely publisher. Finish Festival Madness and start the rewrites. In the meantime, I have 3 short stories to write, a website to redo, and a new novel to start. That should keep 2007 interesting. Tear hair, maybe set it on fire, that would be another task. Immolate self on pyre of old burned manuscripts. Go for a swim in the slough. Plaster body with leeches.

Enough self-pity.

Back to the manuscript. Actually, upstairs to finish the West Indian Bean Dip. It is hard to cook for company two weeks in a row. One really wants to open a can of spam, a can of peas and whip up some macaroni and cheese out of the freezer carton.

Onward, as usual, but not upward.


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