Sunday, November 13, 2011

New England Crimebake: another rip-roaring success

So here I am, sleep deprived, stomach full of sort-of-junky food, wine-soaked, high on energy and the excitement of an entire weekend devoted to learning about writing, talking about writing, writers, agents, editors, celebrities, write, write, write.  Met wonderful authors like Nancy Pickard and Barry Eisler whom one doesn't rub elbows with every day,  So great making new friends and seeing old colleagues. Believe it or not a big ballroom full of writers, all with egos is still a magic place.  So cool to connect with old friends that one doesn't see often enough and learning good news about others, (way to go, Edith) and hearing fascinating talks on forensics and art thefts and all the stuff we crime fiction writers get off on.  

When you're on a committee you are always aware of the white underbelly of the event, praying that nothing major goes wrong, and hoping to smooth over the little minor unavoidable things that do go wrong. No crises of note.

I found a bunch of new authors that I MUST READ, and was reminded of others--got to get that book or in the case of some, got to read that book I already got.

We've had a tough fall with Irene, big trip to Europe,  bad colds, the Halloween storm, and then busy, busy with the Crimebake event, winterizing the garden, and now, ye gods, Thanksgiving is upon us but at least I have a menu, which will translate to a bill of materials, AKA grocery list, and eventually a meal. 

The  weary will have little rest because along with playing catch up, we gotta write now, that the energy is pumped, the ideas are percolating, the advice is still in memory, and all systems are go.  Gotta write!!!

And I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog from Suck It Up to Crazy is Good.  As everyone knows, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  And yet a writer may write book after book after book expecting,  well, expecting to find an agent, a publisher, readers, you know.  And sometimes this doesn't happen.  So we are crazy, but in a good way.  That's how I'm looking at it now.  Crazy in a good way.  Crazy in a persistent  way.  Okay, maybe just crazy.

No food in the house, 4 weeks behind on Boardwalk, house not passing the white glove, hell, maybe not even the gray glove test, desk the usual mess, filing piling up.  Yeah, well, gotta write!!

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