Thursday, August 11, 2011

New neighborhood denizen: a Scottish Highland Calf

I've been waiting (in vain) for a new calf to make the scene.  We've had a succession of young bulls come and go.  Maggie and Iris are so obstreperous that they must intimidate bulls who are not, well, bullies.  There are two other cows who came in the fall or maybe a year ago last fall and still seem tentative in their relationship with the two queens of the pasture.  Now one of the diffident cows has become a mom.  In all the commotion of going and returning from Nantucket we somehow missed the big event and the calf must be at least a couple weeks old.  He/she likes to lie in the tall grass with his ma. 

The little critter looks just like this but without the muzzle.  Don't know what that was all about.  Here is a poem I wrote a couple years ago about my favorite calves.     It's called "Calves Together."

That summer, we were calves together in the tall grass.
You came first, to brown Mary Anne.
Golden Iris is my mother.
They dropped us in the tall grass.

We grew together, gamboled together,
Licked each other, slept together,
Lay flank to flank in the tall grass.
The milk we suckled tasted of summer and green apples.

In the heat of the day we found shade
The rain kept the flies at bay.
We frolicked in the pasture, bleating and kicking our heels,
Calves without a care.

Glad animal spirits, nursing and nibbling the tall grass.
Drinking from the creek.
Seeking the green shade
Calves together.

 I just love the cute little critters.  August is not such a great month to be born, as the flies really bedevil the cows.  I saw all my fruit and vegetable scraps for the cows, as well as any stale bread.  No meat.  No dairy products.  Their hunger is insatiable.  Mooooo.

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