Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hunger Strike!

Our veternarian perscribed cat food has been recalled, creating a household crisis, at least for the cats. The vet gave us something else, which they refused, and they have also turned noses up at the supermarket brand. The moist food purchased in desperation has been nibbled, but is obviously
not going to make it into the feline Guide Michelin.
The problem is that Annie, on the left, has recently been diagnosed with heart problems, and Thisbe, right is in recovery from feline diabetes. Both cats, indoor critters, are, shall we say, a little chunky and maybe need to lose weight but not on a hunger strike. So far they mostly eat the palm plant and the cat grass, with a few bites from the moist food. Thisbe makes her disgust known with loud meows and a constant inspection of her dish. The recalled food, Atkins for kitties as it is known in our house, was gradually introduced over weeks and has become very popular. Before that, they gained all the weight on a high-carb diet food.
"Eat some ants, a spider, or go outside and catch a chipmunk," I said. A churlish look was the response. It will be interesting to see how long this lasts. Right now, the hunger strike is in its third day with no signs of abating. Cats really know how to suck it up!

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