Friday, March 23, 2007

How Doth the Busy Little Bee

That's me, the busy bee. Baked a loaf of Jalapeno-Cheddar bread from March Gourmet today. Came out well. Yum! Very tasty.

S.O. and I each have big collections of old family photos, and everything has been crammed into a closet in a disorderly mess. I've been trying to get up enough energy and determination to tackle the mess, and today was the day. We each got early family photos separated, and then all our years into decades. Found the old dageurrogtypes of my great grandpa. Lots of good stuff, there. Now there is still a huge amount of work to do, to sift thru each decade or the really old photos and bring yet more order to the mess. We also had 3 big boxes of souvenirs and memories. Really cool stuff that also needs sortation, but at least its all together in a box with a label. Everything is still on the home office floor, but we have a plan for tomorrow.

My mother was from a small town in Kansas, and even way back when, the county seat had a handful of good photographers. Some of these old portraits are fantastic. You see and know the person behind the photo. I may post some on the blog here once they're scanned in. One more sortation required first. S.O. and I both have a propensity to save not toss, but it is really neat to have baby pictures of one's grandmother, and photos of the great grandparents.

The photos carry memories, and now I can recall exactly what my grandma's living room looked like. There's a house on Rte 27 that looks just like hers, and I can never drive by without wondering if the room's are arranged like her old house.

On the writing front, S.O. has read the entire MS of Promiscuous Mode aloud. I have a few more edits to make, and then it's off to a friend for critiqueing. Still no synopsis, but it will come when I'm ready. Soon, I trust.


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