Sunday, March 25, 2007

Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor?

Yesterday I discovered GREEN chewing gum on the bottom of my good brown loafers. They have a sole like a driving shoe, with those little raised bumps which means it's hell to clean chewing gum off of them. I got so desperate I actually put the shoe in the freezer, as ice is supposed to help with this icky task. It helped some, but the gum is still there.

Green chewing gum is even yuckier than most. My 8th grade teacher always said,

The gum chewing girl and the cud chewing cow,
There must be a difference, Ah I see it now
The intelligent look on the face of the cow.

Another teacher, Mr. Wooley in social studies made his students put the gum on their nose if he caught them chewing. I swallowed mine once, rather than submit to this indignity. And I stopped chewing gum. And I don't like to step in it.

If you have handy gum removal hints, I'd be happy to receive them. And post them.


1 comment:

  1. Dude, I am with you.
    I loathe gum.
    Anyone who knows and loves me would tell you it is dangerous to chew gum around me. I hate gum for many reasons and I wrote a speech in my 7th grade speech class depicted exactly why no one should chew gum--now I am 26. If that tells you just how long I have hated gum...
    Anyway, I have found that rubbing ice on your show helps. I'd find some tooth picks. If that doesn't work, for the current time I would walk through some dirt to take the stickiness away. You might also try using peanut butter. I googled this and some dude worked wonders by filling the grooves with peanut butter and then scraping it off.
    Good luck.


Your comments are always welcome!