Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Festival Madness: 510 pages and 100,000 words

Festival Madness is loping down the home stretch. Last night I planted butt in chair and wrote a synopsis of the last few scenes. I began writing it in the fall (October-November) of 2004. So it will take about 27 months to write, an average I need to improve. Of course, right now it's too long, but I'll peel the words off later, once I've finished. Right now I'm seized by eurphoria. It's my fifth book. I don't know if they're getting better or even easier, but they sure are piling up. Now all we need are enthusiastic editors and agents. Wait! Come back here! Wait a minute, dammit!

I began the book in the middle because I wanted to write the Burning Man section while it was fresh in my mind. We visited the Adirondacks in October, because that's where the exciting climax takes place. In the meantime, I've been back to Reno, visited the Chicken Bone Saloon, the Norwood airport, Kendall Square, even Harvest restaurant and almost all the scenes where the book takes place. It's been a long slog.

"They" say you aren't a writer until you've written half a million words. Folks, I've done that and then some. So raise a glass, and toast the future words and the stories we write by stringing them together.



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