Tuesday, July 25, 2006

NY Times Best Seller List

I continue to glom onto the best sellers every Sunday as if expecting to find my book there. It's really to see if anyone is writing anything remotely like mine that gives me hope of finding readership and getting published.

Don't write thrillers, although I am tempted to try my hand at one if I can come up with a convincing plot. Actually, I have done that. Takes place in Afghanistan. I may even have found the ultimate "source" if he comes back alive from Baghdad, which is something I don't allow myself to think about. He is what is known in the newspaper trade as a stringer. I don't know if he's even a good writer. He managed to get himself to Kabul for months where he hung out with spooks and G.I.s. He says, "I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you."
Ha ha.
This guy (whom I only know by hearsay) had a dotted line tatooed around his neck. In back it says, "cut here," in English and on the front in Arabic. He is now in Baghdad, totally on his own and unembedded. About the scariest thing I can think of.

He was looking for an agent, and I think that he finally got one. The stories he can tell.

Back to the best seller list. Grapeshot would never compare herself to Janet Evanovich, (#1 with Twelve Sharp), but our characters do share humor, promiscuity, and crazy situations. Janet is a nice lady who works hard and deserves all the success she has.
I haven't read Proof Positive, by Phillip Margolin, new on the list this week, but it sounds good, as does Water for Elephants. Everything else , from the tiny blurbs, sounds same-old, same-old, by which I mean scary as hell, sentimental, improbable, or predictable. I haven't ever read Luanne Rice, but the concept of Sandcastles is intriguing. I read stuff like "Captive of My Desires," in grade school and junior high.

Rumor: most best sellers are written at the 3rd grade level. I have never tested this out. My fiction zooms along at between 4th and 6th grade. I used to write at 12th grade level but that it way too dense.

No news from any agents whatsoever except the one who sends the automatic response. You know what that means?
Suck It Up. Keep writing. Keep sending out. Keep a stiff upper lip. Blog on.

Grapeshot, who is going to visit the lately invisible new calf this morning.

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